
Our picnic blog provides updates and promotions on our picnic products, including; picnic baskets, picnic cooler totes, NFL Fan tailgating and picnic gear, and much more! We will share picnic food ideas and recipes, as well as other ideas to make your outdoor adventures fun! Get Outside~ Enjoy Life~ Celebrate Each Day!

Monday, October 31, 2011

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Halloween Treat 10% Off Picnic Supplies

 Here's a Halloween treat for you, take 10% off your next order, put the word "treat" in the coupon box at checkout to receive 10% on your order of picnic supplies. Offer good until Nov. 1st.

 I was reading a magazine the other day, and came across an amusing and fun slant on Halloween, not your typical "spooky" stories but one of superstition and finding Love. 

 Did you know that in the early 1900's there was Romance in the air on Halloween! If a girl looked in the mirror at midnight on Halloween she would see her true love. 

 Another version required the mirror-bearer to go silently backward down a flight of steps, and still another had her look over her shoulder into her bedroom mirror while eating an apple.

 Halloween was always the "night of all nights for divination", and no future information was desired so strongly as the likelihood of marriage and the identity of the spouse-to-be.

 Just a little tidbit of the days when Halloween was a Holiday for Couples, not kids!

We at Party Picnic wish you a Happy Halloween.

Sunday, October 23, 2011

Going to a party? The Perfect Wine Bottle Totes!

We were babysitting our grandsons this weekend and our son and daughter-in-law were getting ready to leave to go to a party. 

As I watched my son pack up their wine, cheese and crackers in a large brown paper grocery bag, not to mention wrapping the wine glasses in a towel so they wouldn't break, I thought to myself we have quite a few really nice Wine Totes on our site and they could surely use one! I know what they will be getting this Christmas!

Check out our Wine Bottle Totes

And our Wine Bottle Carriers:

If you know someone who could use a nicer Wine Tote than a grocery bag:

Pinot Wine & Cheese for Two London Collection
Aruba Wine Case